Rest in God Alone - Psalm 62:5-8


Rest in God alone, my soul, for my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I will not be shaken. My salvation and glory depend on God, my strong rock. My refuge is in God. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts before him. God is our refuge. Selah - Psalm 62:5‭-‬8 CSB

Recently, my hope, my faith was shaken. I felt like a kitten caught up in the jaws of a German Shepherd.

I know to look to Jesus.

I know.

Knowing and doing are not the same. I can be real good with knowing, and weak on the doing.

Today, I am in the middle of it all. And it comes and goes.

I feel so far away.

My feelings don’t know. My bible tells me the truth.

The Psalm says to rest in God alone.


What a beautiful short little stubby word. Rest.

There’s only one place. Jesus. He is right here. He's not far. 

Jesus gives me hope. I cannot generate it from within my belly. My hope does not come from me.

Is that not an overlooked truth even for the children of God? I rest. I hope.

The idea of this rest takes away the frantic casting about for a solid place to settle. I rest in Him and my hope comes from Him. 

He ALONE is my rock and my salvation. What about my family and friends? They give me hope, right? They are means that the Lord uses to give comfort, to bring hope. The hope comes from Him.

He is my rock and my salvation. Rock, meaning a boulder. He’s my Yosemite El Capitan.

My stronghold. That place of strength. That’s a stronghold. Like a fortress, impenetrable.

Rest. Hope. Rock. Salvation. Stronghold. I’m beginning to get the picture.

And watch this. The Psalmist says, “I will not be shaken.”

Wait. I’m feeling shaken. Badly shaken.

But why?

Well, I was bouncing all around looking for purchase. I was looking for other means of help.

I must depend upon Him. And accept His comfort. Not push his loving hands away. I am welcome in his embrace. I’m at home. I am His child.

My refuge IS in God. That’s a truth that I must proclaim. Oh my soul, tell the truth about the Lord!

When should I trust in the Lord? At all times.

What’s the point in being the Lord’s child unless I trust Him even when it is hard?

This isn't one of those call-me-if-you-need-anything-but-I-don't-really-mean-it relationships. He means it. He means it when life is heavy, hurting with heaviness. He's not a fair weather friend.

Confession 1: I thought it would be easier to trust him in these dark, difficult times. Maybe it is hard for me because I am not practiced. Maybe it’s like this for most Christians. I don’t know.

I know that it is hard for me today. 

I want to be all in. No back doors. All in. Trusting in Jesus through and through. Lord, show me how!

These verses finish making it as clear as can be - pour out your hearts before Him. In other words, hold nothing back. Pour. Let it out. Flood. 

Another confession: I do hold back. I do it with God. I do it with people, even those closest to me. It’s a trust thing. I don’t trust easily. I hold back. What if I say something wrong? - I think.

Before God, I CAN say something wrong, especially if I have a correctable spirit. I might get it wrong. He is directing me even in my difficulty.

I can do this because He IS my refuge. Present tense. Now.

Confession 3: I get it in my head that I must do it all right for God to really be my refuge.

And that’s not what the Word teaches. He is my refuge. Today.

Lord, I need thee, Oh I need thee. Every hour I need thee. Bless me now my savior. I come to thee. Jesus, show me how to pour out my heart before you. And trust you in it. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.


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