Spreading Grace - Ephesians 4:7

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Ephesians 4:7 Every Believer As a believer in Jesus, how much grace do I get? And what about everyone else? It says "each one." That's every believer. Each. That means me. I get grace. I don't deserve it. That's part of what grace is: it's an undeserved blessing. And He uses it to turn me, like a potter turns a lump of clay, into His workmanship. And my friends who are believers get it too. We each are getting this grace all at the same time. Plus every other believer on the planet. Of course, He has targeted non-believers with His grace too, they just don't know it yet; He lovingly draws them. He Does Not Get Spread Thin If He's spreading all that grace around, He must be getting spread thin (like me when I take on too much), right? No. He doesn't get spread too thin. This grace gets spread around to each according to the measure of Christ's gift. I'm not go...