
Showing posts with the label boldness

God is For Me. What? - Romans 8:31

  What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31 Who can be against me? Is this verse really in the Bible? Yes, it most certainly is. I am a believer. If God is for me, who can be against me. What a powerful group of words! These words need to live in the heart of every Christian, in me. These words need to bubble up to the surface whenever life seems threatening. He means it. I am His child. He is for me. I matter to Him. Today. Now. Even in my struggles. I don't have to get all better for Him to be for me. He is working on me right now. He loves me in the deepest way. No holding back. I have to remind myself of this because I can have subconscious "tapes" telling me that He doesn't, that He expects me to get it together before He will talk to me. None of that is true. That's just stuff that I thought up in my little-boy head to try to make sense of the world around me. Out of Darkness He is for me. And because He is ...

Confident Access to God - Ephesians 3:12

In him we have boldness and confident access through faith in him. Ephesians 3:12 Unending, God-given Supply I am bold in Him. Right? Oh my, I don't feel so bold. I feel kinda timid. I don't want to open my mouth. I don't want to reveal my thoughts. I carry around old remembered shame from my childhood. I'm afraid of getting hit with even more hard knocks. But this verse says I HAVE boldness. Now. Present tense. It's mine. So who should I believe? The scripture or me? The scripture. So I actually DO have boldness. What is boldness for? It's boldness to speak the truth and do what is right. It's boldness to love God with all my heart, mind, strength, and soul. It's boldness to love my neighbors as myself. How many times I have stayed silent when I should have reached down deep for that boldness that IS THERE in an unending, God-given supply, and spoken out. To grasp the boldness to work against an evil, to work against a lie. I Am Empowered The bible says...