He Fulfills - Psalms 145:19

He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry for help and saves them. Psalm 145:19 (CSB) Let’s take a second an look at the first two words in this verse: He fulfills. I find it incredible that we live in a world, a universe where those two words, spoken about God, go together. He fulfills. Hey, He doesn’t have to fulfill anything. Yet, He set up the world, the laws of physics, of energy, of time and space. And He fulfills. He put those words together. What? It must go on to say that He fulfills the desires of good people. Of special people. Of people who have it altogether. Right? No. It says He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him. Those who take Him seriously. Those who respect His holy name. Look, he fulfills the desires of those who got nothing. Nothing. They just fear Him. Humbly. That tells me so much about about what I should be about. Do I fear? Some days I can be all so filled up with Father Adam instead of Father God. But I can...