God Teaches Him - Isaiah 28:2

His God teaches him order; he instructs him. Isaiah 28:26 Order in His Creation Who am I in Christ? I’m His servant, His Child, and even His friend, but I’m also His student. He teaches me. God teaches me order. This is so interesting because the non-believing world pushes the idea of chaos not order. They don’t publicly recognize the Creator of all. In fact, they say it all came from nothing. Or dust. Even life came from non-life. That’s what they say. It’s all a bunch of chaotic physics they say. But that’s not what God teaches. He teaches order. And He teaches me order even in His own creation. His natural law. The first chapter of bible, Genesis 1 is a study in order. And yes there is apparent chaos in the world, but the chaos isn’t the creator; the chaos is the breaking down of creation. He Instructs Why does it break down? Because Adam and Eve ate the fruit that God told them not to eat. Adam and Eve sided with Satan, the great deceiver. He told them to believe in magic. He told ...