She Saw That The Stone Had Been Removed - John 20:1

On the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early, while it was still dark. She saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. John 20:1 CSB Believers love the Lord. And those who love Him seek Him. Even when it seems all hope is lost. Here, we have Mary Magdalene (not Mary, the mother of Jesus). And it is clear that she loves Jesus. She is seeking Him on the worst weekend of her life. As I read John 20 (and please read the full chapter ), I can sense a faint light of hopefulness even as she knows that He is dead. Maybe just being near his crucified body will bring comfort to her grieving soul. Or maybe even in her grief she is beginning to process some of what He said about rising again. She is certainly not expecting to find him risen. Imagine then, what joy to have Him say her name! For me, how many times, I have thought the Lord was done with me. How could He love a man like me? I even acted like He was dead. I certainly did not have the faith of Mary. I w...