
Showing posts with the label grateful

My Help is in the Name of the Lord - Psalm Psalm 124:7-8

Our help is in the name of the Lord , the Maker of heaven and earth. We have escaped like a bird from the hunter’s net; the net is torn, and we have escaped. Psalm 124:7-8 Maker of Heaven and Earth As a believer in Jesus, a grateful child of the king, I am an escapee. See, I have escaped the clutches of sin. And I have escaped Hell. When’s the last time you thought about it? I admit, I don’t think on this very often. Maybe there should be a day set aside for fasting and praying to remind me to be grateful that I’m not going to Hell. I’m a cleaned up citizen of Heaven. And notice this: my help is in His name, and just so I don’t get it wrong, the verse is talking about the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Why is that important? Made Up gods Because even as a child of God, I can dream up a god of my own design in a blink. I can trim an attribute of God off here, or a truth about Him there. I can be filled with such denial that I convince myself that this is the God of the bible. Why would I do...