God's Favor - Psalm 69:13

But as for me, Lord, my prayer to you is for a time of favor. In your abundant, faithful love, God, answer me with your sure salvation. Psalm 69:13 CSB My son asked to borrow my car. I paused, thought about it, and threw him the keys. I want to give him good things. And we get to ask God our Father for good things. We get to ask Him for His favor. It feels weird for us to ask. I’m not talking about one of those half-hearted prayers that puff through our cheeks like so much exhaust. No, I’m talking about asking Him like a son when he needs the car. A son has a hopeful expectation of an answer. He looks his father in the eye and waits for a response. Our prayers should be at least that sincere. I mean, it’s no fair to not (really) believe that God answers if we don’t ask expect an answer. But that’s what we've done so many times. This Psalm was written by David and he has every expectation that we should approach God like this too. He wrote it to be sung and memorized....