Where is the Lord Who Brought Us Through the Wilderness? - Jeremiah 2:6

They stopped asking, “Where is the Lord who brought us from the land of Egypt, who led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and ravines, through a land of drought and darkness, a land no one traveled through and where no one lived?” Jeremiah 2:6 Spirits in a Material World Believers must reach out to God. I must constantly remember that I am a spirit in a material world. I know The Police sang that, but they probably meant something different. When I forget that I am a spiritual being, I act like flesh, driven by desire, selfishness. When I seek the Lord, I am acknowledging that God is real. He's here. He is who He says He is. This verse suggests that we feel separated from Him sometimes. He says to ask, "Where is the Lord." Then there's this list of things God did. Why is that important? Not only must I remember that I am spiritual and that I am reaching out, seeking God, I must only reach for the one true God. Jesus Is I can make up my own God so e...