The Affliction of the Believer - Psalm 119:67 and 71

Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep your word. It was good for me to be afflicted so that I could learn your statutes. Psalms 119:67,71 Why am I in pain? Sometimes, only God knows the exact answer to that question. Sometimes, with a little patience and waiting on the Lord, I can figure it out; I can understand it enough. I’m sure there are always depths to any situation that I don’t fully comprehend. And maybe the simple answer is the best one today. This passage from Psalm 119 says, “Before I was afflicted, I went astray…” (And by the way, I’m skipping some verses in the passage today, but please read Psalm 119:65-72 if you have the time today) Those are sobering words. I went astray, so the Lord afflicted me. Or some would rather say it like this, “The Lord allowed me to be afflicted.” My heart and my behavior matter. They matter to me, to my family, my place of employment, my community, my church, and the church. When my heart and behavior are astray, it aff...