True for You - Philippians 3:16

In any case, we should live up to whatever truth we have attained. Philippians 3:16 Loose With the Word Truth People get confused. I have even heard it from believers. They say things like, “That’s true for you but not for me.” Of course, in some contexts that’s right. One person could say that they went to a soccer match, and it was the best day ever. Another person, went but hated it. The soccer match was great: that’s true for you. See, we are so loose with the word truth (in English anyway) that I think we get truth mixed up with opinion or preferences. Still, I’ve heard people say that something was true for me, when we were talking about Bible truth. And they may have even meant that we had different interpretations of something. Different interpretations are different people with limited knowledge trying to get at something. For instance, there are disagreements within the church about things like baptism, communion, the sabbath, and the Lord’s return. They ar...