Strive to Know the Lord - Hosea 6:3

Let’s strive to know the Lord. His appearance is as sure as the dawn. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the land. Hosea 6:3 Strive If the bible says that He loved us first, that He made us alive, why does Hosea say to strive to know the Lord? I think He's saying, "I'm giving you this priceless gift. Now, do something with it. Work out your salvation. Seek out the plans I have for you." Strive he says; He's telling me to put my back into it. What does that look like? How to Strive The easy parts are almost cliché. Read my bible regularly. Every believer can do that. Read it. Think about it. Listen to the Holy Spirit by reading prayerfully. Attend church. Go, sing, hear the word preached, listen, help. Ask questions. God wants me to be with other believers, to fellowship. Pray. By appointment with the Lord. And whenever I need to. The men and women of the bible sought the Lord. Many did it for great lengths of time, especially in...