Hide Me - Job 14:13

If only you would hide me in Sheol and conceal me until your anger passes. If only you would appoint a time for me and then remember me. Job 14:13 Believers trust in the Lord, and yet when bad things happen, it is easy to think He has forgotten us. We think God wandered off somewhere and one day, maybe he’ll be back. And when bad things happen to us (especially due to our own sin), we can think that God is done with us. I am not worth His time anymore. I have messed up so badly that I need to dig my way out of this before He’ll ever listen to my cry. And I’ll never be able to do it. Those are half-lies. God is right with his Children at all times. If you seek Him, He will be found (yes He will!). God is not done with me when I sin. God uses the sin as a tool to chisel me. It’s a painful discipline, but it is ultimately joyful. In the case of Job, he didn’t do anything evil. Job stood up for himself in this. His friends told him to repent and his wife told him to curse God an...