He Fulfills - Psalms 145:19
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry for help and saves them. Psalm 145:19 (CSB)
Let’s take a second an look at the first two words in this verse: He fulfills.
I find it incredible that we live in a world, a universe where those two words, spoken about God, go together.
He fulfills.
Hey, He doesn’t have to fulfill anything. Yet, He set up the world, the laws of physics, of energy, of time and space. And He fulfills. He put those words together.
It must go on to say that He fulfills the desires of good people. Of special people. Of people who have it altogether. Right?
It says He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him.
Those who take Him seriously.
Those who respect His holy name.
Look, he fulfills the desires of those who got nothing. Nothing. They just fear Him. Humbly.
That tells me so much about about what I should be about.
Do I fear?
Some days I can be all so filled up with Father Adam instead of Father God.
But I can come right to Him right away and tell Him.
I can tell Him how much I’ve messed up. How I haven’t trusted Him. How I’ve gone my own way.
I can tell Him that I’ve done it over and over again. I CAN reset my mind to fear Him. To take Him at His word, even when it looks foolish to the so-called world.
How do I know I can do it? Because He tells me I can. And He is not a liar. He is the truth.
And He opens His arms and says, “Come here; let’s go for a walk.”
He fulfills.
What does He fulfill? Their desires of those who fear Him!
I want a nice car. A nice house. I want to be sitting on the beach, feeling the waves on my feet. Those are my desires, right?
No. Those are my pleasures. Nothing necessarily wrong with them.
When I fear Him, my desire points North like a compass. North to Him. He sets my desires to be beautiful. To want loving, godly things.
He fulfills my desires.
And He hears my cry for help and saves me.
When I what?
When I fear Him.
I want to fear Him today.
Lord, I have run.
I have hidden.
I have pushed against You.
I need You. I need to know who You are. The Holy triune God.
And that you love me. That I matter to you, washes over me like the roll of a Pacific wave. I am overwhelmed by your complete, glorious, never ending love.
I cry out to you. Set my compass to love you. To seek you. To serve you. To walk with you. That’s what I ask. Give me the grace to know you are right here.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
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