Must Believe He Exists - Hebrews 11:6


And without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

Faith Comes in Amounts

This is a sit-up-and-pay-attention verse for believers. I mean, the word believer implies that one has faith, right?

And faith comes in amounts. Some have lots of faith. Some have less.

In the bible, Jesus commends the Roman who knew that Jesus could heal his child without seeing her. At another time he says, "Oh, you of little faith." And in the book of Mathew, He says says how much they could do with just a bit of faith, the size of a mustard seed.

To me, my faith feels embarrassingly small. And I think I attach that to what God wants to do for me and with me. That has much to do with why I write this devotional every day. I want to increase my faith and my knowledge of who I am in Christ.

The verse says something important. We can't please God without faith. I want to please God. I can pray that He increases my faith. A man in the book of Mark cried out to Jesus, "Help my unbelief!"

Looking For Jesus

Faith says this: I believe that God exists. He is. This is foundational. God told Moses, "I AM." And Jesus said, "Before Abraham was born, I am."

Now, I love the next part. He exists and he rewards! What? He rewards super spiritual, super righteous people? Maybe. But that's not what it says. It says He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Of course He empowers them to do it too.

That's exciting. In fact, it's one of the most exciting things I've ever read. He's saying look, and I'll find!

I can do that. How many times have I lost my keys and looked and found. I know that's dumb, but if I can look for keys or a phone, I can look for Jesus. He gave me a book that I can read.

Lord, I want to have faith, even a little. I want to trust you a lot. I want to seek you. And I want you to reward me above and beyond what I could ask or hope. Today. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.


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