I Am Brand New - 1 John 5:3-4
I CAN keep His commandments.
I am a blessed believer, child of the King. I am light (Ephesians 5:7).
I have to say that every now and then to remember it. He's the one who said it. If I don't repeat it, I start thinking that I'm just a regular person. No. I'm a new creature. Brand new.
And He asks me to keep His commands. So you know what? I can.
I've often been the guy who reads right over that thinking, "Never mind. I know better; I'm going to fail." See, I was believing lies.
I can keep His commands and they are not a burden. In fact, I'll say that His commands breathe life and freedom into my heart and mind.
Everyone who has been born of God conquers the world.
Now John says, "...everyone (did you catch that? EVERYONE) who has been born of God conquers the world."
When I hear that, I'm looking over my shoulder, wondering who the Lord is talking to, because it sure ain't me.
OH YES IT IS! I have been born of God, and I do conquer the world. Do I know what that means?
Barely. He's teaching me. But I know that it means I get to be a kingdom builder, and no one can stop me.
He gives us more detail: the victory that beats the world is my faith. My itty bitty mustard seed faith. My loaves and fishes. I don't have much. But when I give it to him, when I give my faith to Him. He does miracles with it.
He does it little by little usually. He is teaching me patience. He is teaching me humility. Humble power.
Lord help me be faithful. Help me conquer. May I see myself as humble and powerful, ready to do whatever you have put on that level path in front of me. Order my steps Lord, so that I may keep your commands. And may I be content with doing your perfect and joyous will! Today. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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