Everything for the Glory of God -1 Corinthians 10:31
Normal, Regular Activity
Am I believer who eats? Yes, I certainly am!
Eating is a normal, regular activity. I do it over and over. Every day. The verse says to do it to the glory of God.
I see eating, in this verse, as being an example of a normal, regular thing I do. I do lots of things that are normal, regular things.
I eat. I drive. I say hi to people at work.
I cook. I get dressed. I read.
I watch tv and listen to music.
Now, wait. That's getting personal. I want to watch and read what I want. Right?
Every Thought Captive
The bible also tells me to take every thought captive. Every thought.
Back to this verse. It says WHATEVER I do, do EVERYTHING for the glory of God.
Okay, let’s get real here: I fall short. By miles.
Now what. How can I absorb the words in this verse?
He says to have the faith of a mustard seed. Just a little. Use even just a tiny bit. I can do that today.
He makes my righteousness come out. Left to my own devices, I'm a righteousness joke. But He drives my righteousness. I work on it for sure, but He supplies the fully divine power.
Dynamic and Loving Righteousness
This verse convicts me. There is much I do without thinking about God's glory.
And just to be clear, I don’t think the verse means that my thoughts aren’t fully on other things. My mind is capable of doing everything to the glory of God AND washing the dishes, writing a report, or finishing a project. Plus, I can do it without exhausting myself. This everything I do to the glory of God is something I can hold in my mind like other things I never forget.
For instance, I never forget that I’m a father. I don’t forget that I own a home. Those things and others stay in my mind without doing a mental juggling act.
Sometimes I worry that I don't want to be one of those nose-in-the-air, too good for everybody, Christians. Is doing everything for the glory of God going to turn me into one of those?
Okay, well, maybe this reveals that I've got a messed up idea of how to do this. There is no way that real-Jesus-righteousness looks like that because Jesus didn't look like that.
His righteousness was dynamic and loving. He was able to speak the truth in love and reach into the lives of sinners to show them the way.
I want to be that righteous, loving, and dynamic kind of Christian man, full of humble power.
And that’s what He is doing in me. I am His workmanship. I am not God. I serve Him. Today.
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