Power, Love, and Sound Judgement
How Has He Gifted Me?
This verse is one of the most special in the New Testament to me.
I am a believer, bought by His blood. He has made me a NEW creature. And this verse summarizes who I am in Christ.
I don't hold on to a spirit of fear. Sure, fear is a God-given emotion that can save my life. And has. Yet, I have an overdeveloped sense of this fear. That's anxiety. It's this fear that put me on high alert when I was a little guy. But I don't need it sitting there and informing my thoughts anymore. Well, not unless a tiger walks up.
But see, there aren't a lot of tigers in Texas. Yet, I can respond like there are. And Jesus has a plan to take that kind of fear away from me.
He didn't give that ever-present fear to me. He gifted me with power, love, and sound judgment.
To live a Christ honoring life he gave me power. How often do I see myself as powerful? To be honest, not often enough. Except for that arrogant kind of powerful. I feel that. That power is anger which is driven by fear and shame. That's not the power he gives. He gives us power that's a humble power from top to bottom.
With humble power, I know the Lord's love. I know He is in it with me. I know I am not God, but I joyfully serve Him.
This kind of power is driven by His perfect love which casts out fear.
What He Generously Gives
And love. Jesus said it like this, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends." Love is sacrificial. Ready to help, to protect, to rescue. At my cost. With no thought of good-boy points. Just give. That's His grace in me. He fills me with that kind of love.
And a "sound mind." The CSV says "sound judgment." This is having discernment. Knowing the right thing from the wrong thing in a given moment. If I live in a stew of fear, my judgment is warped.
When I feel that overwhelming fear, I must ask Him for his abundant help. His love. His power. His wisdom. He generously gives it. These three: power, love, and wisdom (sound mind) are divine gifts.
Lord, today, take my fear. You have done the work. I trust you with my fear. I trust that instead of fear, you will give me power, love, and wisdom. I know you love to give good gifts to your children. I am not You. I serve You and depend on You. Fill me with power, love, and wisdom. I surrender to You. Now. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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