God, Teach Me - Psalm 119:124-125
Deal with your servant according to your steadfast love, and teach me your statutes. I am your servant; give me understanding, that I may know your testimonies! Psalm 119:124-125
According to His Steadfast Love
I am a child of the one true God. I am His servant. The songwriter of this Psalm just up and says, "Deal with your servant according to your steadfast love."
Oh, I want to have the faith and courage to talk to God like that. I mean, the psalmist almost sounds demanding! Of course, he is not. He simply knows God so well that He can ask and He will receive. This becomes a model for me when I pray.
I so want God to deal with me according to His steadfast love. What a beautiful idea! Yes God, deal with me like that.
Zooms By Like a Speeding Corvette
And teach me your statutes, your word, and what you want me to do. Teach me that. Wait. I can ask God to teach me things! And He listens? Yes.
The bible is a treasure of truth that I can read and it zooms right by me like a speeding Corvette. I have got to slow down and absorb the richness of this.
The writer doubles down and says it again differently. I am your servant. Give me understanding.
How many days I have run from that understanding. I didn't want it.
I wanted to figure it all out on my own. Pride. That hasn't worked out for me. I'm not saying that I don't have to think for myself. I'm saying that even in that, I must depend on Him. I deceive myself easily. He protects me from my stinking thinking.
I need the Lord. Today.
Lord, redeem those years that the bugs have eaten! Give me understanding that I may know what you so graciously reveal. Lord, I desire to slow down and really read your word. I am grateful for your steadfast love. Deal with me like that. I need your mercy, forgiveness, and love. Today. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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