Intensifying Glory - 2 Corinithians 3:17-18
Why? Not because I am good or worthy, but because He chose me. And I reflect His glory.
That blows me away. In some sense, I reflect His glory. How can that be? I feel that I am always struggling to stand firm in the faith as it says in 1 Corinthians.
Even still, I reflect His glory. And this verse speaks to this process when it says, "We... are being transformed into His image with intensifying glory."
Being transformed. Intensifying. He is not done. It is a process. He works.
He made the universe and this world in six days. Yet, He is taking His time with me. Of course, He can do what He wants, when He wants, but He chooses to take all this time. He expects me to struggle through it and keep asking Him, to be devoted in prayer. To know that I am dust.
Still, in my silliness, I can have what I think is a good day and decide to coast. He doesn't coast. He works on me every day.
This intensifying glory comes from the Lord, who is a Spirit.
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