God is My Fortress - Psalm 46:1-2
He is clearly saying that I don't have to be afraid.
He is present in trouble. Not so busy that He doesn't know my trouble. He KNOWS.
Since He is present, I can take a deep breath.
And know He is God.
But what if this..?
And what about that..?
Though the earth be removed.
And the mountains thrown into the sea.
The earth removed? What?
The earth being removed: that's as bad as it gets.
He is present. And I am His.
Now, how do I get to the part where I am not afraid when the mountains get shoved into the ocean?
I don't know. But He is clearly saying that I don't have to be afraid. For I'm a child of the true God, the deliverer who brought a nation out of Egypt.
I matter to one who is, who is present.
He died for my sin and rose again in glory and power. (3 nails, 3 days then GLORY)
See, I matter to Him. That's the point here. Even when the world goes wrong, wrong, wrong.
I matter to the one who is, who is present.
He is my refuge, my hiding place.
My strength too.
My fear CAN go.
I am a believer. I CAN trust Him. For He cares for me. Now.
I want that idea to live right down in the very depth of my soul.
Lord, you are my hiding place. You are my strength. You are present. I don't ever have to feel like you aren't listening, or you aren't aware. I know that you care, that I matter to you. Show me how to not fear. Even when the very earth crumbles before me. Lord, you say this can be me. Show me how. I put my fear at your feet and ask you to show me how to let go of it. Today. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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