God is For Me. What? - Romans 8:31


What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Who can be against me?

Is this verse really in the Bible? Yes, it most certainly is.

I am a believer. If God is for me, who can be against me. What a powerful group of words! These words need to live in the heart of every Christian, in me. These words need to bubble up to the surface whenever life seems threatening.

He means it.

I am His child. He is for me. I matter to Him.

Today. Now. Even in my struggles. I don't have to get all better for Him to be for me. He is working on me right now. He loves me in the deepest way. No holding back.

I have to remind myself of this because I can have subconscious "tapes" telling me that He doesn't, that He expects me to get it together before He will talk to me.

None of that is true. That's just stuff that I thought up in my little-boy head to try to make sense of the world around me.

Out of Darkness

He is for me.

And because He is for me, who can be against me?

Who can be against me that matters? THERE IS LITERALLY NO ONE, NOTHING.

This isn't a platitude. It's not a Hallmark card. It's not a Precious Moments gift. It is true. Now. Because He called me out of darkness into His glorious light. He fills me with light.

He is the power of the universe. And He is for me. I stand on that truth. And I need to repeat it until it jumps up like a protective dog whenever the accusations come.

Lord, I believe You. I believe I matter to You. I believe You love me. I believe you are teaching me, working good things in me. I believe you are using me for your good purposes. Fill me with good desires and fulfill them. When I am tempted to forget this truth, may you make it shine forth like the sun in my heart and mind. You are for me, today. No one can be against me. No one that matters. You are handling it. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.


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