Walk by the Spirit - Galatians 5:16-17
I say, then, walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want. Galatians 5:16-17 CSB
For many years, even as a believer, I rarely thought about walking by the Spirit. Not in so many words anyway. But God is gracious, so He often generously led me into His light anyway, showing me how to walk by the Spirit.
But I wouldn’t keep walking in the light because it wasn’t a discipline. I went to church, sure, but I just thought the other stuff would come naturally.
See, I wanted to figure it all out for myself. I wanted to spiritually power up like a video game hero and fight my way through. I wanted to earn points for myself.
But that’s not the way God works. He works by His Spirit. Zechariah 4:6 says, “Not by might and not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.”
Christians walk by the Spirit.
It’s truly a puzzle; He tells me to prevail. But I can’t. Not on my own. I must walk by the Spirit. I know that I can do that because He tells me to do it. And watch this: The Lord isn’t going to tell me to do something that I can not do! Right?
He says if I walk by the Spirit, I certainly will not carry out the desires of the flesh. Certainly will not - that’s what the verse says!
Hey, I can do this. I can depend on Him. I can believe in Him to do this in me.
And I must because when do the opposite, when I carry out the desires of my flesh, what happens? I crash; I hurt myself and others too.
And when I crash, the Lord gently corrects me. He shows me His sovereignty, His power. He teaches me to fear Him. He also shows me that He loves me. And because He loves me, I love Him. He started it.
Now my flesh wants what my flesh wants and it is opposed to what God wants.
Whew. That’s actually hard for me to admit. I want to think that I am such a good hearted guy, that I naturally do God’s will.
But it ain’t so.
I can be like a cured vampire that keeps wanting to suck blood, and pretending that it’s okay. Just one bite.
And I crash.
And He is right there, picking me up. He gently says, “Walk by the Spirit, and you won’t keep crashing. You're not like a vampire at all. You are mine. I have bought you with a price."
Walk by the Spirit.
He says - Love your neighbor. Rejoice when you get to serve. Be peaceful. Be gentle. Be patient. Wait on the Lord.
I know I’m going to fail sometimes. I think I can power up and just love, but it’s something that only the Holy Spirit can do in me.
And when I wrap my short little arms around that simple idea, I walk in the Spirit, enjoying the ride.
That sounds passive; it is not.
I do. I prevail. In His power. But He empowers me. Only then do I love, joyfully, peacefully, patiently.
He does it it all. I am His man.
Lord, teach me to depend on you, to know you are working a miracle in me. May I trust You to empower me to walk by the Spirit. I know that I matter to you. I am your new creation. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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