Dread of Danger - Proverbs 1:33
But whoever listens to me will live securely and be undisturbed by the dread of danger. Proverbs 1:33 (CSB)
The verse says, “Whoever listens to me…” That’s believers. That’s what believers do; they listen to God.
They do that by reading the word, praying, and even waiting on the Lord.
They talk to other believers. They fellowship. They listen to preachers.
They read books written by people who love Jesus.
They resist bad company.
And listening implies obedience. Hey, everybody wrestles with obeying Jesus. Our flesh pulls us in the wrong direction. We have to purposefully walk by the Spirit, so we will not carry out the desires of the flesh.
It’s a walk. But it’s a walk with sword in hand, ready to fight temptation while yielding to the Holy Spirit.
This listening obedience brings blessing, on top of blessing, and more blessing.
This Proverb says that these listeners will live securely.
Now, we need to stop for a second and remember something about proverbs.
They spotlight wisdom that is generally true. Mostly true.
It’s like following good advice. It’s usually going to work out.
But not always.
For instance, our friend Job.
Job does what is right in the eyes of the Lord and everything bad that he can imagine happens to him anyway. Then, his friends come for a visit and wrongly tell him what a lowlife he must be.
In those days, or months, Job can say that he has listened to God, but he doesn’t live securely. For awhile.
But ultimately he is blessed for listening to God. And his blessings last for the next 140 years of his life!
And what about Romans 8:28?
“We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”
We know. Know. That’s a little, tiny, powerful word, right?
I know.
That all things work together for the good of those who love God…
I get to live securely and be undisturbed by the dread of danger.
See, even if things go south and we fall into another great depression or war or whatever… I know that God is with me and is teaching me to depend upon Him.
I don’t need to be disturbed by the dread of danger.
The dread.
Sometimes I think that the dread hurts me more than the danger. For it uproots my faith. My faith in God is more precious than gold and must be treasured, not taken for granted.
Here’s what I know. God is with me. And even when things are chaotic and ruined, God is causing all things to work together for good for me. How do I know? Because I am called according to His purpose.
I am called. Today.
Lord, may I be a listener. Teach me. My ears are open. I am listening. I need you. I ask for your strong hand to work in my life and in the life of all who read or listen to this prayer. I know that you are all powerful and answer above and beyond what I can even think or ask. I desire to know what it is like to not be disturbed by the dread of danger. You are the God of peace. Teach me how to live that way. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
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