My Help is in the Name of the Lord - Psalm Psalm 124:7-8
Our help is in the name of the Lord , the Maker of heaven and earth. We have escaped like a bird from the hunter’s net; the net is torn, and we have escaped. Psalm 124:7-8
Maker of Heaven and Earth
As a believer in Jesus, a grateful child of the king, I am an escapee.
See, I have escaped the clutches of sin.
And I have escaped Hell. When’s the last time you thought about it? I admit, I don’t think on this very often.
Maybe there should be a day set aside for fasting and praying to remind me to be grateful that I’m not going to Hell.
I’m a cleaned up citizen of Heaven.
And notice this: my help is in His name, and just so I don’t get it wrong, the verse is talking about the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
Why is that important?
Made Up gods
Because even as a child of God, I can dream up a god of my own design in a blink. I can trim an attribute of God off here, or a truth about Him there.
I can be filled with such denial that I convince myself that this is the God of the bible.
Why would I do such a thing? Well, to justify my sin. To be filled with pride like a hot air balloon.
How can I confront these devilish fantasies? I can read the bible and go to church where I hear the word preached. I can talk to men who set me straight when stray. I can repent of my sin and seek His face. I can even ask the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth who saved me from my sin to reveal my thinking to me.
There is power in His name. Who’s name? The Creator of Heaven and Earth. There is power in the name of Jesus who died on the cross and rose in glory and power on the third day, beating Satan for all eternity.
Escaped the Net
There is only evil power in the designer-god-genies of my own imagination from whom I want something but don’t want a relationship.
It’s kind of like a man who visits a prostitute rather than love his wife (as Jesus loves His church); I don’t want a relationship with the most holy one, so I find one that suits me better, that makes me feel better no matter how I want to act.
God even lets me have my made up god for a minute. And he lets me see the ruin it brings. And then He lovingly calls me back to Him.
But hallelujah, I don’t have to serve some kind of self-made deity ever again, for I belong to the one who made Heaven and Earth. He tore open the net that held me fast.
And I have escaped the net, forever.
Who am I in Christ? I am one who trusts in the name of the God, the maker of Heaven and Earth. And I have escaped from the net of sin and Hell. I am a new creation, being made fit to live with Him forever.
Lord, teach me to seek your face truly. I want you, not a made up god of my own imagination. You paid the price I could never afford. I am grateful. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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