He Will Act - Psalm 37:5-7
Commit your way to the Lord ; trust in him, and he will act, making your righteousness shine like the dawn, your justice like the noonday. Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him; do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way, by the person who carries out evil plans. Psalm 37:5-7
Believers walk with the Lord and they pray. This is the second in a series of devotionals in which I pray through a scripture. I encourage you to find scripture to pray through on your own. You may find that it helps break through the doldrums of tedious prayer. What a tragedy to be bored when I pray!
“Commit your way to the Lord”
Lord, I commit my way to you. I know that you go before me. It is a temptation for me to not fully commit, to hold something back that you have asked. You have asked for all and I want to only give part. I have wanted to keep something back for myself. Jesus, help me to give you all that you ask.
“Trust in Him.”
I can commit my way to you when I trust you. And I can trust you when I commit my way to you. When I hold something back, I’m being disobedient. You tell me to trust you. This is a foundational principle in following you. Lord, give me the grace to trust you and commit my way to you.
“and He will act, making your righteousness shine like the dawn, your justice like the noonday.”
Lord, you don’t just say give, give, give; you act. You have already given us salvation. You have given us yourself. But you say you will make my righteousness shine. When I put it together, you are saying that if I commit my way to you and trust you, you will act and make me righteous in ways I have not been before. And you will make my justice shine too. My justice is the ability to speak the truth in love. To speak your godly truth in love, I must commit my way to you and trust you. Jesus, give me the grace to do that.
“Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him.”
Lord, you are not looking for impatient prayer from me. You are looking for patience which is trust in action. This is not anxious waiting; it is expectant waiting. Lord, as I pray this idea of waiting for you in the context of committing my self to you and trusting you, gives me a great sense of peace. So many times, I have been in such a dither in my prayers, so worried that my words even cleared the very room in which I was praying. This is double minded prayer. Jesus, give me the grace to be all in as I pray to you. As I talk to you. As I walk with you. You are my Lord and savior. Forgive my unfaithful prayers of the past. May I wait silently and expectantly for you.
“Do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way, by the person who carries out evil plans.”
Lord, you are giving me notice here that those who hate you and hate your ways are sometimes going to appear to prosper before us. Your instructions are for me to not be worried about this. I know that sometimes, you put me in a place where I can speak to those who carry out these evil plans, but usually, these evil plans take place outside of my area of influence. Lord, give me a non agitated courage to speak when you call me to do it. Give me clarity in those times. And give me the wisdom to calmly keep my mouth shut and trust you when that’s what I am called to do. As I walk with you and trust you. As I wait patiently for you, you will make it clear to me and give me the wisdom I need to act in times of trouble.
Lord, thank you for these verses. They are a refreshing glass of water to my soul today. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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