Not My Own Will - John 5:30


I can do nothing on my own. I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my own will, but the will of him who sent me.” John 5:30

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Seek what?

Believers seek the will of God.

Jesus modeled it and suggested it.

Just kidding about the suggesting. He’s directing. He’s revealing to believers how the kingdom of God works.

And it seems pretty simple. Seek His will first.

Even Jesus did that. He was God in human form, tempted as we are, and yet, He sought God the Father’s will.

He even says this arrogant sounding thing (of course it’s not arrogant): “My judgement is just.” But He qualifies it. Why is it just? Because Jesus does not seek His own will.

Just hang there for a second. Jesus didn’t seek His own will. If ever there was a man alive who should seek His own will, it would be Jesus right?


A Little Bit of Faith

We all must seek God’s will. Even Jesus sought the will of God the Father.

I think so many of my hang ups are corrected in this idea. Maybe all of them. Do the simple thing of seeking the kingdom of God, the will of God.

And I don’t think, in most things, the will of God is hard to see.

Of course, my flesh gets in the way, and I can certainly deceive myself into thinking that I am doing God’s will when in fact, I am asking after God to “spend it on my pleasures.”

And I know that I am in process on seeing this clearly.

Also, I think that the more I seek Him, the easier it gets. Now, I might not like what he’s telling me to do, and maybe that’s why I hide from Him and seek my own will.

I know this: He asks for faith, even just a little bit. When I can’t see my own feet to tie my own shoes because my fleshly desire fog my thinking, He tells me to reach, to seek Him.

And He clears away the fog.

He’s the only one who can.

Lord, teach me to think clearly. You did not bring a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound thinking. May I be that man, today. Blessed be the Name of the Lord


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