Asking God’s Advice - Isaiah 30:1-3

Woe to the rebellious children! This is the Lord ’s declaration. They carry out a plan, but not mine; they make an alliance, but against my will, piling sin on top of sin. Without asking my advice they set out to go down to Egypt in order to seek shelter under Pharaoh’s protection and take refuge in Egypt’s shadow. But Pharaoh’s protection will become your shame, and refuge in Egypt’s shadow your humiliation. 
Isaiah 30:1-3

Doing It God's Way

Able Believers soak themselves in scripture. They work to understand it. They talk about it and even argue about it which promotes solid interpretation.

That’s how they know God’s plan. He teaches it to them directly through the word and in hearing it preached and taught.

They long to obey His word.

Disobedient believers may for a time run from God. They may even pretend to follow God, to trust Him. I know, because that’s been me. And by His grace, I serve Him today.

Again and again within the pages of holy scripture, God says exactly what He wants from me.

In the case of these Israelites in Isaiah 30, they just wanted protection, right?

But see Frank was wrong on this. It’s not about doing it my way; it’s about doing it God’s way. All the way.

God says they acted, “Without asking my advice…”

Where do they go for help? Egypt. A place of idolatry.

Why would they do that?

It sounds like a good idea. Egypt has what they need. Just go down there.

My Covenant With God

But wait. The Jews are in covenant with the Lord God Almighty, Maker of All Things. Why in the world would they confer with God’s enemies? And why would they do it without asking His advice?

Did they think, “If I can figure it out myself, I show that I don’t need God.”

Believers aren’t supposed to figure it out for themselves. I’m supposed to depend upon God. He tells me, “Pray without ceasing.”

I am to consult Him in everything. I am to look to Him, depend on Him, seek Him.

Hey, it’s not necessarily that they went to Egypt. It’s that they didn’t ask His advice.

God sent them to Egypt before for protection. He sent Joseph and then Jacob and his sons to escape famine.

But then, He stretched His hand out against them and their arrogance toward Him. He showed that the kings and priests of Egypt were nothing but so much clay for Him to use to show His glory to His people.

Still, it’s not about going to Egypt. Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Egypt when He was in danger form Herod. They went there with the Father’s approval.

Believers are in covenant with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. I am in a dynamic relationship with Him. Yes, He sees all and is above all, but He’s also right here working out the smallest details of my life. And He wants me to talk to Him about it. Today.

Lord, I need you. I depend upon you. You provide everything I need. My food. My housing. My companionship all come from you. You give me the word so I can know who you are and my place in your creation. I depend upon you. I trust you. I matter to you. May I ask your advice again and again. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.


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