His Mighty Power to Help - Ephesians 1:19
I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe Him. It is that same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in heaven… Ephesians 1:19
Mighty Power
This year, I began journaling to dig into who I am in Christ.
Now, I've been a believer since I was a child. Plus, I went to Christian schools and camps. I went on summer missions in Brazil and Scotland. I've taught Sunday School and preached sermons.
Still, somehow, I missed a complete understanding of who I am in Christ. But in the last year, verses began slapping me in the face. It was like I had never slowed down to take them in. And I found myself grieving my former blindness yet getting excited about this. They were verses like the one above.
Paul says to the Ephesians here "how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe Him." That's me. I believe Him. So then, His power is incredibly great to help me.
He goes on to qualify: "It is that same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead."
There is a sense in which I have access to the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead. What?
I used to read a verse like that and think it was for some Super Christian who had things all together.
Deep in My Heart
But this is not some hyped up mythology. Or positive thinking. It's inspired holy scripture for all of His people.
His power, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, helps me. Right now.
See, I want to anchor that down deep in my heart and not forget it. And praise the Lord, it is moving in that direction. I want this kind of verse to dwell in the same place where those tapes used to play that always told me what a mess up I was. And would keep being. The ones that told me that I had missed my years of usefulness to the Lord.
No more. I claim the promises of Christ. Today.
I matter to him. Right now.
Lord Jesus, teach this to me down in the depths of my soul. Holy Spirit, fill me. I want to walk in the light. I ask you to do more than I can hope or ask in this. Expand my idea of what you are doing in me. Turn to me and be gracious to me. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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