Free From the Love of Money - Hebrews 13:5
Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Hebrews 13:5
Lust for Money
I'm a believer who can lust for money sometimes. I can be greedy.
Apparently this problem creeps in on believers because the writer of Hebrews says to, "Keep your life free from the love of money." If it wasn't an issue, He wouldn't warn us.
It can sure creep up on me. And then the jealousies too. I can get mired in thinking that if I had more, I wouldn't have this character problem or that one.
If only. If only. If only.
The Lord gently helps me and He says, "Here's what I have given you."
My correct response is to be content. To be grateful.
Yet, I can be like Israel in the wilderness, discontent with miraculous manna. And thank Jesus, He works on me.
Feels So Ugly
I know this: I have control over my response. Otherwise, He wouldn't tell me to be content.
A jealous reaction is not a foregone conclusion. What if I do have one? How about greed? It all feels so ugly. But also powerful. The anger can rise up and my once godly outlook is gone.
When this happens, I can come to the Lord with it and tell Him. I can say, "Lord, I am feeling jealous. It is overwhelming me. Help me." I have found this to be powerful.
Confessing it to him can bring it into control in moments.
He also tells me why I can be content. "I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you." Never. He doesn't disappear on me.
Pride, lust, anger, resentment, jealousy, hatred... all can be my responses to this apparent lack of money. None of them make things right, only much worse.
Of course, if I really lack money. If I'm in need. I can always work for it! Right? Yes. Willingness to work brings much reward. Quick cash, not so much.
And He helps me be calmly content.
Lord, help me be content and powerfully humble. You are always with me and have given me everything I need, including the ability to work. Show me how to be content with my talents and opportunities when I struggle. You are my provider, today. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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