The Lord is Good to Those Who Wait for Him - Lamentations 3:25-26
The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the person who seeks him. It is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord. Lamentations 3:25-26 He Is Working Waiting. Patience. I so need this gentle reminder. Waiting implies trust (I know He is working). In my flesh, I can rush into confusion and make a mess (I don't see Him working; I'll take over). How about if I slow it down and wait (Lord, I know you are here). I am not used to waiting, to resting, to listening. I need this verse. It says, "The Lord is good to those who wait." What a simple thing to do. Why is it so hard? The Lord says hold on. He's handing things. Listening to God Waiting also seems to imply prayer. Listening in prayer. Part of this waiting is seeking Him. How many times I've looked for something for 20 seconds only to declare I couldn't find it. Then, another walks up and actually seeks and finds it. That's embarrassing. Seeking implies effort and patience. I don'...