Set My Mind - Romans 8:5-6


For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:5-6

He Energizes Me

I am a believer. So the Spirit of God dwells in me. That's incredible!

There are times that I do not set my mind on the things of the Spirit. When I quit, I sin soon enough. Setting my mind on the Spirit is an action that I do. Being a Christian is not passive. 

Yes, the Spirit lives in me. And He energizes me. But then I DO. I do what? I set my mind on the Spirit. 

What does that mean? I read the Scripture. I pray. I pray privately, I pray sporadically as I walk through my day, and I pray publicly with other believers. I practice the presence of God meaning I remind myself that He is here. 

I worship. I hear the word preached. I talk to other believers about the things of the Lord. And I even talk about Jesus to others who aren't believers. 

I repent when the conviction of the Holy Spirit touches me. 

He energizes me to do all of that. He does the work. 


And though He does the work, I am not passive. This verse exhorts me to set my mind on the things of the Spirit. That's active. That means that I am looking for ways to do that. Today. 

Lord, I've often been passive in my walk. May I actively set my mind on you today. May I learn more about how to do that. May my mind expand upon that! May I walk in the light and be filled with the Holy Spirit today. I know that you take me where I am. I don't need to climb a ladder to get to where you start filling me. But I know that I also grow. My growth might be less than I desire, but you still fill me. 

I am a believer, so I can set my mind on the things of the Spirit. And I may need to commit to this moment by moment. I certainly must commit to it day by day. Just because I did it yesterday, does not mean I will carry it out today. Lord may I be faithful today. 

Blessed be the Name of the Lord. 


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