Every Need - Philippians 4:19


And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:19

Every Need

I am a believer in the Lord. I am saved. He is transforming me. That's what He does for His children. Sometimes, I can see His hand. Sometimes I can't.

When I read a verse like this that I've heard a thousand times, I must never get weary of it. It is a powerful promise for believers in Jesus.

Still, it is so easy to just read it without taking in its impact, to just roll on through it like it's just so many words.

Look at it again: My God will supply every need of yours. When I stop and really read that, it takes my breath away. Every need? Really? He says so. He's a God of truth.

Then, the apostle Paul, the writer, drills it in deeper: God supplies all of my needs - according to his riches... He's not holding back here. Not even a little bit.

I have lived much of my believing life taking this verse for granted, or telling God (by my actions) that I didn't really need His power. How foolish can I be?

It's like being Billy Batson of the Captain Marvel comics and not saying Shazam. But that's what I can be like.

He will supply every need. Every.

He Supplies

The verse says that He will supply every need.

Now, what I think is a need and what God knows is my real need are different. I can be blinded and my fleshly pleasure wants things. Those aren't needs.

But I have actual real needs. And in my walk with Him, I am to come before Him, to tell Him that I need Him and His supply of power.

The power, this supply, is according to His riches, so I am rich.

  • I want a new car. But I need to love. I am deeply loved by God.
  • I want a nicer house. But I need to be honest. I have the ability to be real, to be honest.
  • I want a vacation. But I need to be discerning, to know the difference between truth and lies.

There are needs. He supplies. And He gets the glory. Which I reflect. And that glory intensifies.

The child's song, This "Little Light of Mine" says, "Hide it under a bushel, no. I'm going to let it shine."

He supplies every need. Today.

Lord Jesus, you have given me a spirit of power, love, and discipline. Yet, I can squander that. I bring my faith before you. Lord, grow my faith. Help me be the Christian man that you want. When You say that you will supply Every Need, I want to believe it 100%, today. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!


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