Slow to Anger - James 1:19
God loves me. He bought me with a price. I am a grateful follower of Him. I serve Him.
And I can trust that the scriptures are meant for me. Today.
I have been having an issue with anger. Flashes of anger. And I'm tempted to define myself by that anger. Oh, I have difficult situations at work. Anyone would get angry, right?
But He says I am a new creature. The anger has been a stronghold. But He heals. Especially when I start admitting it and confessing it to Him.
And He wants me to ask Him for help. Over and over again when necessary.
- He wants me to be quick to hear. That's patience. I can be patient today.
- He wants me to be slow to speak. That's calm. I can be calm today.
- He wants me to be slow to anger. Peaceful. Today.
This is who I am in Him. Even if I have been struggling.
Sure sometimes He removes my struggles overnight. But sometimes, He wants me to knock on His door and keep at it. Persistent. He's building strength and character in me.
He wants me to be righteous. My anger does not bring out the righteous life He wants.
And I'm going to be honest: I have been giving myself a pass on the anger. I have not been laying it at the Lord's feet. I have not asked the Holy Spirit to fill me and remove it.
Lord, today, may I be quick to hear. Listening to what people say to me. Today, may I be slow to speak. No biting replies. Today, may I be slow to anger. May your peace and love flow through me. Remove my anger. I am not You. I serve you. Today.
Blessed be the Name of the Lord.
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