Act Like Men


Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, act like men, be strong. Do everything in love. - 1 Cor 16:13-14

The Lord Asking Too Much

Many times I have read scripture and felt that the Lord was asking too much of me. What an arrogant position for me to take! Why arrogant? Because He has told me over and over that He is with me. Over and over. He has never said that I could only depend on Him after I proved myself.

This does not mean that I am an instantly mature believer. Of course not. I have much to learn and experience.

But every day, He tells me to come. With all of my dirt. And wash, and to walk in the light.

Like when I took gymnastics, doing backbends, and the coach was right there with his hand at the small of my back, keeping me supported. I step out, but He does it.

First, the verse tells me to be alert. I thought I was Mr. Alert. I got this, I told the Lord. And He lovingly, removed His support as I was horribly deceived.

 Be Courageous

When I realized it, when He had my attention, He was still there. Teaching me. Helping me.

Stand firm in the faith He says. Now, I'm stuck. I have wavered all over the place in my faith. Faith? Yes. He gives me the gift of faith again and again.

But when I'm running off, trying to play in the street, I think I have oh so much faith. And suddenly, I get hit, waking up in the hospital. Every day of true faith is a gift from Him, the father of lights with whom there is no shadow of turning. I don't generate faith.

He says to be courageous. Sometimes it seems that I have lived a life of fear. It has laid right on top of every thought like a dragon hiding in plain sight. Courage is a gift from Him.

Be Strong

He then says to act like a man and be strong. Yet, how many times, I've thrown a fit like a child. And yet He is there with me. He knew I was going to be a "hard gainer." He knew, and He called me still!

And now, if I thought the other instructions were impossible, the passage says this: Do everything in love. Those four words are some of the most impossible words I have ever read. That is 1 Cor 16:14. Do everything in love.

Do. This love is not a feeling. It is a sacrifice.

Everything. That's not me. That's some sort of holy, super Christian.

In love. Love? This selfish man? That's right love.

And this works because He makes it work. None of that love is me. He does it. I can't. But He is power. He is light. He doesn't do selfish. And he told me that He has begun this work in me and will keep working until He is done. I am not a forgotten project. He is working right now. Today.


Lord, do this miracle in me today. These short versed have knocked me over. They show me what you are doing in me. May I be willing. All in. Where I resist You, convict me. Show me how to turn to you over and over, like a stone being smoothed. Show me how to be alert, how to stand firm in faith, how to be courageous, how to be the strong man you have made. And Lord, I don't now how you are going to do it, but you put it in writing: Show me how to do everything in love. I am willing today.

Blessed be the name of the Lord.


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